Het design research
Werken met beeldverhalen is belangrijk voor Linda in haar werk als auditor bij de Algemene Rekenkamer. Beeld helpt haar om complexe inhoud zelf beter te begrijpen en betekenisvoller te maken voor anderen.

//Not all auditors (blue) prefer visual information like designers (yellow) do, yet not all auditors only prefer text. (98 respondents).
Deze manier van werken is echter vrij bijzonder in de wereld van audits. Om die wereld te overtuigen van de toegevoegde waarde van beeldverhalen zocht zij in haar design research naar manieren om beeld een grote rol te laten spelen in audits. Zij deed dit door conceptvoorbeelden te laten zien en een nieuw proces te ontwikkelen, waarin auditproces en ontwerpproces verbonden zijn. Samen met auditors experimenteerde zij met nieuwe werkwijzen en motiveerde zij hen om zelf aan de slag te gaan met beeld en ontwerpend onderzoek.
Zij schreef naar aanleiding van haar design research de thesis How to discover and tell visual stories in audits.

//Prototyping with visual stories to test whether these visual stories provide insight.
//Working with visual stories is important to Linda in her work as auditor. Visuals help her to understand the complex content she encounters in her work and to make the content more meaningful. This way of working is quite unique in the world of audits. In her design research she looked for ways to scale up the use of visuals in audits in order to convince others of the added value of visual stories. By showing examples of visuals in audits and at the same time develop a different process of work. Here she entwined audit and design process and aims to inspire auditors to start designing themselves. After her design research she wrote the thesis How to discover and tell visual stories in audits.
De nieuwe praktijken
Design Audit Studio
Na haar afstuderen in 2018 kreeg Linda de kans de zogenaamde Design Audit Studio op te zetten binnen de Algemene Rekenkamer. Hierin werkt een team van ontwerpende onderzoekers die audits verrijken met design research methoden (o.a. prototyping, ‘paden’, mapping) om zo de impact van de audits te verhogen. De DAS verspreidt deze ontwerpende en mensgerichte werkwijze onder auditors door samen te werken in audits en te leren van ontwerpend onderzoek. Ontwerpend complexiteit ontrafelen, nadenken over de gebruiker (wat moeten zij doen met die kennis?) en daarop inspringen is wat de DAS brengt en de rekenkamer omarmt.
//After graduation in 2018 Linda got the opportunity to initiate the so-called Design Audit Studio as a team inside the Netherlands Court of Audit. In this studio a team of design researchers works together with auditors to enrich audits by using design research methods (a.o. prototyping, paths, mapping) to increase the impact of audits. The DAS shares this design-led and human-centered approach with auditors by cocreation during auditing and by learning more about design research in audits while doing. Unravelling complexity by using design and putting the user in the centre (what do they have to do with this knowledge?) is what the DAS brings and what the NCA embraces.

//The design research method ‘product journey’ follows one product (e.g. a toy) from source to consumer and delivered concrete examples to show to journalists.
More activities
Since 2018 Linda is board member at the Dutch Infographics Conference.
Linda gave various presentations and workshops past few years at e.g. IRSPM/SIG, Summerschool in public auditing and accountability, Cour des Comptes Maroc, Design Innovation Management Conference, National Audit Office Finland, AWTI, Ethnoborrel.
De ontwerper

Na een studie Sociologie startte Linda in 2008 als auditor bij de Algemene Rekenkamer. Beeld (ontwerpen) kreeg een grotere plek haar mijn werk vanaf 2013, en in 2016 begon zij haar design research aan Master Design aan de WdKA.
//With a background in sociology Linda started her career as auditor at the Netherlands Court of Audit. Visual design has prioritized in her work since 2013, and she began her design research at the Master Design / WdKA in 2016. Her graduation in 2018 was awarded with the possibility to setup the Design Audit Studio (part of the Netherlands Court of Audit). Here a team of design researchers enriches audits by using design research methods (e.g. prototyping, ‘paths’, mapping) in order to increase the impact of audits.
Linda is blogging at auditinvorm.nl about her current experiences
How design can increase audit impact: experiences from an auditor who designs. Meijer-Wassenaar, Linda. In OECD/Auditors Alliance, 2020. (registration needed)
The adaptation of design thinking in auditing. Meijer-Wassenaar, Linda & Diny van Est. In: Design Innovation Management Conference Proceedings 2019.
Visual Stories That Transform Audit Speak Into Engaging, Understandable Reports. Meijer-Wassenaar, Linda. In IntosaiJournal, winter 2019.
Thesis Master Design: How to discover and tell visual stories in audits? Meijer-Wassenaar, Linda, 2018.
Expert meeting Margaret Hagan, 2017