The left column (with design question) is generated by Admin/software, You can not add your design question in your user profile and you can add ‘Summary other langauage’ to give a short introduction in your other language.

Gutenberg editor works with blocks. – Block types: text-blocks (we use P, Heading, Quote), Image block, Quote block etcetera.

Blocks can be found under Block tab (right column) or under the + at the top menu.

– You use one colour: Orange is for design related research, green for social related research

First steps: you start the post by choosing the column block (with the +) INSIDE a column you can add other blocks like an image-block, or text-blocks.

Size of Column BLOCK // 72,6 left / 30 right. Your page has the right sizes

Image Block can be used in all sizes. Use the caprions to write more under your images.


Under here are some style rules

Source notation side column / use of active urls

-An active url is bold and color
-In the text you only use active urls if it refers to your own source (f.e. in Researchblog).
Every other url refers with a* . In this case the active url is in the Source notation in the side column. (bold bold and color)

The title of a source is italic in the main text. Use the asterix* at the end.
-The name of an author of a source in the main text: ise an asterix*
-Source notation is done at the end of the side column (after your l;exicon)
-A lexiconterm is italic in color in the main text.
Look at examples of others!

How to: SOURCES in side column

Marleen Stikker, Het Internet is stuk. Maar we kunnen het repareren (De Geus, 2019)

Gerard Janssen, Het internet is stuk, ziet Marleen Stikker: ‘Je kunt niet meer uitloggen’, in Vrij Nederland 30-11-2019

Van oplopende druk naar overheidsburnout, in Trendrapport (Dienst Publieke Communicatie, onderdeel van het Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, 2019)

Naam annotatie: Voornaam, Achternaam, Titel

Side column
Design via Advanced / Additional CSS

Een paar vormgevingszaken worden via ADVANCED (rechterkolom) en CSS geregeld
Daarvoor type je een term in het dataveld, die een bepaalde stijloplossing uitvoert

*de kolom springt vaak in: term: inspring
*de tekst is bij het lexicon schreefloos: type roboto inspring
nu worden beide stijlen uitgevoerd

Bij Additional CSS classes kun je een paar vormgevingskewesties beinvloeden. (zie hieronder meer)