Expert Lectures
Design researchers van WdKA/PZI Master Design ontmoeten hun experts & publiek
Wanneer : Woensdag 5 juni 2024
Waar: Wijnhaven 61 – Rotterdam | vierde etage
Eerstejaarsstudenten van de WdKA/PZI Master Design nemen het publiek mee in hun design research. Aan de hand van een voor hen belangrijke vraag gaan ze in gesprek met experts die daar antwoord op kunnen geven. Het publiek wordt uitgenodigd mee te denken. Sommige van de lezingen zijn in het Nederlands, sommige in het Engels
Illiteracy Experiences – how does it impact lives
10:30 – Open Space – Tanja Ubert + Expert (This lecture is in Dutch)
1 in 6 Dutch people is illiterate. Did you know that 20% of Dutch people experience difficulties in arranging their affairs digitally? Digitization is happening very quickly. Although this brings many benefits, a significant group of people experience difficulties in our digitalized society. In this session we talk to a language ambassador (expert) from the ABC Foundation and the Reading and Writing Foundation about his experiences.
My dad is illiterate. This was the inspiration for my research: Is it possible to develop visual cues to explain the meaning of written information.
Stepping into the Long-Now
11:30 – Open Space – Floor van der Wal + Expert
How do we give shape to our future? What methods can we use to transform our wishes and needs from abstract ideas into concrete plans?

Anne-Marie Benschop, an expert in guiding local and community-driven projects, and master’s student Floor van der Wal will host an inspiring lecture on long-term consciousness. This 45-minute interactive session will focus on how to bring our intuitive images of the future into the now.
Anne-Marie will share her experiences as a coach of local community projects, emphasizing how she helps leaders create impactful, green, and love-based initiatives. Together with Floor, she will demonstrate methods for guiding project groups and introduce the concept of guided visualizations to help participants understand their impact on future generations.
Have you thought about what we leave behind for future generations? Join us and challenge yourself to consider the long-term!
Design researchers from WdKA/PZI Master Design meeting their experts & public
When: Wednesday 5 June 2024
Where: Wijnhaven 61 – Rotterdam | fourth floor
First-year students of the WdKA/PZI Master Design take the public along in their design research. Based on a question important to them, they start a dialogue with experts who can answer it. The public is invited to contribute. Some lectures are in English, some in Dutch.
Tangible masks & digital avatars
10:30 – Glass Room – Marlous van Eindhoven & Komala Mazerant
During an expert lecture at Willem de Kooning Academy, Marlous van Eindhoven and Komala Mazerant Dubois will discuss their research and offer you an interactive treat! Do you want to know what tangible masks have in common with digital avatars? Join the expert lecture on june 5th at Willem de Kooning Academy, 4th floor.

Marlous van Eindhoven is currently researching how she can foster cultural awareness through the utilization of cultural artifacts, specifically masks. She has partnered with Komala Mazerant Dubois, who is conducting research on digital representation in virtual environments. Surprisingly, these two subjects synergize both in the offline and online realms.
Komala Mazerant is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Communication department at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. She is actively involved in the project ‘Communication in the Networked Society’, where she conducts research on content creation in online networks.
Marlous is a lecturer at the Creative Media & Game Technologies department of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Design Research at the Piet Zwart Institute. This expert lecture will be in the context of her research development.
Turning Chewing Gum into Gold
11:30 – Glass Room – Rutger Gieseler & Expert
Designing news for the next generation
13:30 – Glass Room – Alka Goos & Renée van der Nat
Journalism and design experts Renée van der Nat en Alka Goos will explore the future of news design for younger generations. Together they will delve into the intricacies of designing news stories tailored specifically for the younger demographic, while steering clear of conventional digital formats.

With a focus on “New stories for a new age in journalism,” Renée brings a wealth of experience from her role as a researcher and teacher at the school for journalism in Utrecht. Her work centers on exploring new methods of storytelling using emerging technologies, challenging the notion that innovation in journalism is solely technological. Renée’ s research seeks to uncover the essence of effective storytelling in the digital age and understand its impact on diverse audiences.
As educators and practitioners in the field of design, it is crucial for us to understand the evolving needs and preferences of younger audiences. Renée’ s expertise will undoubtedly shed light on innovative approaches to journalism that resonate with the digital-native generation.” Alka Goos, creator of this expert lecture, journalism lecturer at Fontys Journalism Tilburg, and master’ s student in Design, shares. Her research focuses on the disrupted relationship between news and younger generations. This collaborative exploration promises to offer fresh insights and perspectives on how to engage and inform the next generation of news consumers. With a bit of luck an artist will also be there to design future news then and there.
Collaboratively shaping the future with children
14:30 – Glass Room – Emer Beamer & Wail Kherrazi
Research shows that 1 in 10 children and young people in the age range 11-17 suffer from mental health issues, with fear of the future being one of their main concerns (Child Fund Alliance et al 2021.) What better way to tackle this angst by including children and young people in designing our shared future.
Wail Kherrazi, 16, is the founder of the Wail Salutem Social Innovation Lab, where he teaches children to program, also runner up in “Wat een Uitvinding ” and a member of the Amstelveen Youth council. Wail’s ambition is to be a young person who makes the world a more beautiful place.
Wail’s story may sound unusual, yet a growing number of children and young people are standing up and saying I want to act, I want to design and I want to be heard.

Emer Beamer, social co-designer and educator, inspired by children’s imaginations founded the Design-a-thon Works foundation in 2004 to empower children to design a better world. The organization with partners in 45 countries has worked with 115,000 children on all continents. Evaluations have repeatedly shown that the children feel empowered to have their ideas and voices heard.
Those interested in the voices of children, active participation and co-design should feel invited to engage with Wail and Emer to learn more about Wail works and Emer’s research into progress and methods of including children and young people in designing our societies.